
March 22, 2014

With a heavy heart,
I let you go.
I press play. I see
a big screen. I see
our memories. I see 
our stories. I see
our dreams.
But I have to let go.
I need
to let go.
I shall rest, for I know
you are in His embrace.
  You are in good hands, for He
  is The Guardian (المهيمن- AlMuhaymin).
  You can rest easy, for He
  is The All-Compassionate (الرحمن- AlRahman).
I press stop. Instead of
replaying. I press stop.
You are forever
 in my memories, forever
 in my heart, forever
 in my prayers.
I am letting go.
This is my farewell.

"To the Almighty we do belong,
 and to Him we shall return." [2:156]

I may be slightly late in posting this,
but this is for World Poetry Day!
Writing poetry the best way I know how and falling more in love
with poetry day by day; 
exploring, experimenting, and learning new ways to express myself
through poetry.
This is for all those poets and poetry-lovers out there.
Keep the love going, keep those words flowing!
I  humbly hope you've all enjoyed my writings so far :)

And while we're at it, my heartfelt and deepest condolences to all affected.


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