Haiku for a friend

March 09, 2013

Do you know
what it's like to fall
and to get back up,
To stand on two feet
or to stand on one,
To find ground
planted firmly under,
Gravity being the one enemy 
that pulls you deeper, deeper
until you suffocate
from stillness
from regret.

I wonder often
if I haven't been
enough to help
or even
a comforting company.

To hug
each one with
open arms,
hearts bared open
to comfort
to see smile, you
like old times
wide open.


My god-knows-how-many attempt at haiku. I hope you like it. This is written for a friend that I can't comfort right now. How I yearn to just hug her right now, to let her know it's ok. I know what it's like going through what she is right now. I can't talk to her about it just right now, so, all I could do is express it through this lame excuse of a haiku. God knows if she even reads this. But, whoever reads this, I hope you like it :)

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